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SmartThings Powers Samsung Appliances

November 11, 2014
By Allen Landers

We reported back in August that Samsung had acquired SmartThings, a home automation company, presumably as a way to integrate connectivity into Samsung Appliances. Today, at the Samsung Developer Conference, some of that integration was displayed to the public.

SmartThings was already able to control TVs, lights, locks and other devices and today we found out that many Samsung appliances now join the connected world.

Some of the appliances demonstrated include:

  • Refrigerator. A smart refrigerator with a built-in LCD screen and speaker. Not only can the fridge "push" notifications such as when the door has been left open or when an out of range temperature occurs, but it can now display and report other events. Examples given were scenarios where water was detected in the basement or motion detected in the garage. With the Kitchen being a hub of the house, it makes sense to have messages displayed and reported on the fridge.
  • Washer/Dryer. Notifications can now be sent alerting folks when a load of wash is completed or when clothes are dry. The washer and dryer will also have the ability to be started remotely or when certain events occur, such as when people fall asleep or leave the house. Notifications can be sent when built-in detergent reservoirs are running low.
  • Air Conditioner. The SmartThings app will allow the air conditioner to be automatically adjusted when people have left the home or fallen asleep. Push notifications can be sent based on air quality as monitored by the air conditioner.
  • Robot Vacuum. Like many other companies, Samsung will have a robot vacuum that will roam the house cleaning up dirt. Using the SmartThings app, the vacuum can be scheduled to clean and notifications can be sent to alert owners to empty the dirt bin or clean the filter. One interesting tidbit is that the vacuum can be used as a robot security guard. If motion is detected in the house, the robot can be remotely controlled and sent to the area of the house in question. The built-in camera and microphone can relay images an audio back to the owner.

Samsung is definitely helping to move appliance connectivity forward with the SmartThings integration. Since SmartThings plans to keep their platform 100% open for others to use, hopefully more appliance brands will follow in Samsung's footsteps and develop connected appliances.

Image Credits: SmartThings